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Version: SDK V3

User Paid Transactions

In this guide we will look at executing a user paid transaction.


This guide assumes you have already initialized the Biconomy SDK and just need to understand how to execute a user paid transaction. See our tutorials for step by step setups.


These are the imports needed for the code snippets below:

import { ethers } from "ethers";
import abi from "some abi location";

Additionally an Instance of the BiconomySmartAccount is needed as mentioned above.

Connect to Contract

Connect to an instance of a contract, below is an example of using ethers JS to connect to an NFT contract.

const nftAddress = "0x0a7755bDfb86109D9D403005741b415765EAf1Bc";

const contract = new ethers.Contract(nftAddress, abi, provider);

Build Useroperation

Using an instance of the smart account use the buildUserOp method to create a userOp.

// use the ethers populateTransaction method to create a raw transaction
const minTx = await contract.populateTransaction.safeMint(address);
const tx1 = {
to: nftAddress,
let userOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOp([tx1]);

Send UserOperation

Send your userOp to our Bundler which will send the userOp to the entry point contract to handle executing it as a transaction on chain.

const userOpResponse = await smartAccount.sendUserOp(userOp);
console.log("userOpHash", userOpResponse);
const { receipt } = await userOpResponse.wait(1);
console.log("txHash", receipt.transactionHash);

Mint NFT Function

Here is a function putting all of this together:

const mintNFT = () => {

const nftAddress = "0x0a7755bDfb86109D9D403005741b415765EAf1Bc"

const contract = new ethers.Contract(

const minTx = await contract.populateTransaction.safeMint(address);
const tx1 = {
to: nftAddress,
let userOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOp([tx1]);

const userOpResponse = await smartAccount.sendUserOp(userOp);
console.log("userOpHash", userOpResponse);
const { receipt } = await userOpResponse.wait(1);
console.log("txHash", receipt.transactionHash);