Next JS Fullstack Tutorial
An NFT Minting dApp designed for web2 users to onboard to web3 with no wallet and no funds for gas.
📄️ Introduction
This tutorial will cover the basics of creating a dApp powered by the Biconomy SDK and utilizing Next JS and Particle Network. Here's an overview of what you'll learn:
📄️ NFT Smart Contract
The point of this tutorial is not to serve as another basic solidity tutorial but let's quickly review our basic NFT smart contract. Feel free to deploy your own version of this contract while completing this tutorial or simply use our implementation of it available here. This contract has been deployed on the Base Goerli test network. If you need Base Goerli Eth check out the official documentation on how to get test funds.
📄️ Paymaster, Bundler, And The Biconomy Dashboard
Now, let's setup our biconomy dashboard. Follow the instructions
📄️ Initialize Frontend
Now it's time to work on our Frontend. We will be using Next JS which is a popular react Framework used by many Web3 projects for frontends.
📄️ SDK Integration
Remove unnecasary code
📄️ Execute a Gasless Transaction
In the previous section our work has primarily been in the index.tsx file. Let's now create a new component that will handle all of our mint logic.